Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Freecycling Bread

In Georgia, the bread is very inexpensive. A loaf costs about 70 Tetri - 1 Lari (about $0.38 - $.055). I think the reason it is so cheap is because they don't add any preservatives or artificial junk. This also means that it lasts only a few days before getting moldy. But since it is so inexpensive, I am OK if we aren't able to eat a whole loaf in two days...we can buy another one!

However, in Georgia people believe that if you throw out your old bread, God will never provide you with bread in the future (or the ability to buy it). So people put their old bread in plastic bags and hang them on the sides of the trash cans. The bread on the trash cans is free take it to use with their chickens, people less fortunate use it to feed their families, etc...

On any given day, you can see bread hanging from the trash cans.

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