Saturday, April 16, 2011

Antalya, Turkey

We went to Antalya, Turkey for almost a week.  We rested on the beach, played in the indoor pool, and ate way too much. The boys learned the fine art of Foosball, our hope being that they will be fully prepared for college life. For me, the highlight was losing repeatedly to Emet in ping pong.

We did rent a car for a day and explore the city life. We found quickly that there wasn't much city and not a lot of life. We did notice that every building's roof had water barrels. We assume this is where their hot water comes from. 

We walked around Old City and took in the sights.

We ended up buying some combination of these that
makes a flavored all natural tea.  
A man hand sewing a carpet.
There were blankets strewn over everything.
Love the spelling!
Yes Officer, I do have my helmet.
It's right here in my hand.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Love the pic from spice market - beautiful! Happy early birthday to those boys!