Sunday, July 18, 2010

...and she's BACK!

As promised, here I am! I know it has been rough for the 3 of you to be kept waiting, so I apologize. I just needed a mental health week after the last 10 months....and I have enjoyed every... last... lazy... minute!

So to recap for you, just in case my being away this last week made my whining a forgotten memory, here it goes: Emet moved to Tbilisi, Georgia in August of 2009. He still works for Chemonics, but is now a USAID contractor. USAID is a US government organization (part of the state department) based in Washington D.C. When people ask me why we are moving to Georgia my response is, "my husband is engaged in some really cool stuff to help make Georgian schools better."

If you are interested in a more technical response please see below. However, if you think my answer cuts the mustard, you can skip all the red text!
USAID’s Georgia Education Management Project is a three-year activity that aims at better management capacity and improved policy in the education sector by establishing an education management program for administrators supported by necessary financial and administrative policy reforms.


• Improve the long-term capacity of Georgian institutions to better manage the education system and lead its transformation; and
• Ensure the effectiveness of education policies on management, finance, and accreditation by supporting the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES), MoES educational agencies, and Education Resource Centers (ERCs).

So, we made the flight thanks to my friend Sarah who so calmly jammed all 14 suitcases into her car. She then stood in 3 different lines with us to check our bags while my kids wrestled on the floor. In anticipation of the L-O-N-G flight, I let them wrestle. Right there in line. At one point, I did ask Sarah if she thought it was OK....but really what is she going to say? I was teetering on the edge of a breakdown. She did great holding me together! I have to say checking our luggage was the most stressful part of the whole trip. Once we boarded the plane, we hung out, drew some pictures, used some paint (oops, the tray tables may have gotten a smidge of paint on them!) and then AL went to sleep. I can never sleep on flights, but since the kids were asleep the world was a happy place. I had to wake them up to land. We met the nicest man while traveling and he kind of adopted us. He told my kids when to walk faster, directed us where to go to get our boarding pass in Munich, and carried some of our luggage up and down the stairs. I was very happy to meet him! He claims to be a Georgian celebrity of sorts, so I look forward to seeing him on TV. Anyway, we only had 1 hour before our next plane boarded and then just a 3 1/2 hour flight before landing in Tbilisi! Where was this flight in March???!!!???

All in all, I am thrilled to be a family in one place again. Seeing my 3 men smiling because we are all together made the last 10 months seem a little farther in the distance...


Denise said...

Yea! So glad you are all together again and that I can look forward to your hilarious blog posts again! I hope our flight next month goes as well :)

Michelle Wolf said...

Your blog is awesome! How come I didn't know about it before today?! I'm so happy your family is reunited and that your trip was good.

Jenny said...

Woo-hoo! I can't wait to see pictures and hear stories of your life halfway around the world. Give all three of your guys hugs from us.

M said...

I'm glad you are back to writing again! I'll be tuning in!!

Sarah said...

What would I say? Something along the lines of "let it out, boys... you're keeping me entertained in this ridiculously slow line." And they weren't really IN the line. More like next to it. :)

Glad to hear that you all made it allright. We've been thinking about you!

Jeffrey McClurken said...

Glad you made it safely and glad you are all together!