Sunday, October 31, 2010

Susi, you are not in Kansas anymore...

My mom came to visit (yeah!) and I took her to the Bazroba one afternoon. I posted awhile back about all the different shopping venues here, but thought I would finally add some pictures!

Fish in a box or a bucket...take your pick.

My mom thought these chickens were like the fake desserts some restaurants put on display. I tried to explain that there was nothing fake about these. She didn't want to believe me.

Lots of spices, flour, sugar, beans, and pasta

Eggs anyone?

I didn't take too many pictures of the other parts of the Bazroba due to the evil looks I was receiving each time I snapped a photo, but there are many places to buy clothing, housewares, shoes, toys....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. This looks like a warehouse!