Did I ever mention that Lucas weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz when he was born? Did you know that Aidan weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz when he entered the world?
And now....weighing a few more pounds, my little tiny babies are in Kindergarten!
The first few days, we took a taxi to and from school because the school didn't have the buses sorted out yet.

Here is the entrance to New School. It is an international school with most of the students being instructed in Georgian and about 100 students taught in English. Although Aidan and Lucas are part of the English side, I think they are the only students who only speak English. All of the other students speak at least 2-3 languages ...if not more!

This is the building that houses the Kindergarten classroom. In this building, you will find the English and Georgian Kindergarten, the English 1st grade, and the English Preschool.
Here is their classroom!

Aidan and Lucas with Ms. Christine, their teacher

Oh my goodness, your boys are in Kindergarten!! Time does fly. I hope they are loving their new class and their new teacher.
YAY! I was so excited to see a blog post! So, the school isn't anything like I pictured. I'm dying for more pictures!! It looks like one is of your living room? Hardwood floors? I think I was expecting like gold carpet circa 1950s...interesting.
i remember when they were teeny tiny :( They look so happy for school!
Thanks for sharing "First Day"! I really miss being with "the boys" on these special occasions.
WOW! They've grown a lot since Italy. Can't believe it's that time already. I, too, remember the day they entered this big world. Enjoy every moment, celebrate each adventure. Time flies quickly and it won't be long and they'll be graduating from high school.
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