Friday, September 3, 2010

A Good Samaritan

Being a good samaritan isn't all it's cracked up to be.

We met this nice woman and her two girls on our flight back from Italy. We chatted with them for a while and the kids compared stories about starting Kindergarten. When we were in the airport, Emet took AL to the bathroom and I waited by the escalator with our luggage. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that one of the little girls we were just talking to was reaching in between the two escalator's handrails (there was an up escalator on the right and a down escalator on the left--see photo below).
It was obvious that she was frustrated. I walked over to see if I could help. Her stickers had fallen in between the two escalators (where the two sets of handles came together). Ok, easy enough. I mean, they were her stickers...I couldn't leave them there! I reached in between the handrails and that is when hell broke loose. I quickly realized that I was actually moving up the escalator on the handrail with one side of my body. Yet, the other side of my body was being pushed down by the handrail of the down escalator. I remember some man yelling, "OH MY GOD!" as he tried to grab my leg and pull me off this insane ride I was on. Somehow I threw my body over the edge of the up escalator onto the down escalator, loosing a shoe in the process.

Good news: I got the stickers.

Moral of the story: Stickers are not important...leave them if they fall between escalator handrails.

Here is what a being a good samaritan looks like about 2 hours after you do your good deed.


Unknown said...

Holy cow - that could have been scary! (Well, more than it probably already was.)

M said...

I'm trying to picture this...were you stuck?

Denise said...

OK, I have to be honest and say that I had to laugh reading that, but only because the whole time I was reading I thought for sure the story was going to end with a broken ankle! That doesn't look pretty though and I hope that you aren't in too much pain.

Monica said...

It all happened so fast, that I was really just trying to figure out how I was going to get off the handrails!

Stuck....flailing all over the place....same thing.

Yeah, Denise....I am so surprised I didn't break an ankle! I bet it was really funny to watch!

Nancy said...

OMG!!! Did you think you were on "Candid Camera"?