Friday, February 18, 2011

Cows and Camels and Peacocks, Oh My!

One of my favorite aspects of India was all of the animals (not sure what this says about me?!).  I loved sharing the road with so many different creatures!  At one point, our driver, Mr. Khan, had to get out of his car to move a cow that decided to take a snooze in the middle of the road.  Cows are considered sacred in India, so it was fascinating to learn about the differences between the "free" cows that roam around without a care in the world and those that were tethered and obviously had an owner. I tried to photograph all of the animals we saw, but many times we were in the car.  I did the best I could while whizzing by.

Baby was close by!
Baby camel enjoying some lunch.
We were driving behind this elephant waiting
patiently for him to get a move on!
Camel as a tourist trap...wanna ride, little girl?
I could have taken pictures of cows all day long.
Just out for a stroll... with my goats!
A few friends out on the town scrounging for food.
No luck in getting this peacock to open his feathers
It seems that if we weren't looking at cows,
we were surrounded by birds
Remember when I was a vegetarian?
This might have sent me back to my old ways.
We went to a place called Galwar Bagh to see the monkeys. There were hundreds and hundreds of them roaming the grounds. Most of them were friendly and were just anxious to eat the food we were offering. There were a few moments when the alpha male decided a particular monkey should not eat and he made it known. I didn't know monkeys could squawk so loudly! 

A monkey's version of a spa day

The weight of the world is resting on my shoulders.
No one understands the kind of pressure I am under.


vgforgione said...

enjoying all of this -- i think the camel in your picture - the one draped with the colorful shawls - was the same one i rode at the bronx zoo many moons ago. he certainly looks old enough to be the same one!
love the worried monkey - he reminds me of someone....
enjoy everything, miss nothing and keep the blogs coming!

M said...

Great post. Love the pictures. It looks like you were right in the middle of a zoo!
The little monkeys are so cute!!

Unknown said...

These are amazing photos! This is what I picture in my mind when I think of India. And, I LOVE the monkeys!!!