Tuesday, March 8, 2011

XX is in da House!

Last week was Mother's Day, a national holiday.  Most schools and businesses were closed. 

Today is Women's Day.  A day to celebrate all women, even young girls. So now, just 5 days after Mother's Day, it is another celebration for women--with many schools and businesses closed again.  

Talk about Girl Power!

When Georgia was still under Soviet rule, this holiday was celebrated annually.  After they declared their independence, many Georgians no longer wanted to honor this "Soviet" holiday.  Thus, Mother's Day was created.  However, after a few years, Georgians brought back March 8th, Women's Day, as a national holiday.  Now they celebrate both.

It is a pretty big deal around here in the beginning of March. People have congratulated me all day long on being a woman (I have put a great deal of work into this whole woman thing, if I do say so myself). 

The city is littered with beautiful flowers. 

Selling flowers outside the Metro
A street corner filled with flowers
These bouquets are directly across the street
from the picture above
Where's Waldoshvili?  Can you spot the man within
all of the flowers? 
This is usually the lady who sells us our lemons.
Today, she is making the most of the holiday.

If you are a woman...Georgia is where its at.

1 comment:

M said...

Wow. That's pretty cool. Took me a minute to figure out XX. LOL. At first I thought this was going to be a dirty post. :)