Sunday, October 31, 2010
Susi, you are not in Kansas anymore...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I Now Understand.
Teachers are hoarders. People joke, but real teachers see an item and ponder how they could use it in their classrooms. "Oh, you are not going to throw out that piece of lint, are you? I could use that to teach about the phases of the moon!"
I now understand why we get that rap.
I find myself saving everything, hoarding, and re-using constantly. For instance, the little yarn that another teacher lent me so I could prop my window open during the hot days of August is now the same yarn that is binding a book that one of my students wrote. Not sure what I will do when it is hot again--I guess I can steal one of Emet's shoe laces to hold open my window. When you don't have much, you use what you have. I imagine this is what it used to be like way back when. I guess, sadly, it is still like this in America in many school districts. I worked in such school districts most of my career, however, I could just run to Target to get what I needed for my classroom. The difference here...there is no Target (gasp!).
Flags from around the world are at the entrance of our school.
A view of the city from our school grounds.
There is a fish pond and a grassy area where kids can play at break time and at recess. It is beautiful!
Friday, October 22, 2010
A Castle with a View

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Nosy Neighbors
Saturday, October 9, 2010
My Lane is Your Lane.
There are many things that don't make much sense around here. For instance, there really aren't many rules of the road. There are white lines to delineate lanes, but no one uses them. Cars just drive where they please and honk their horns when they get too close to another car. You can imagine the symphony of horns that fills the air on any given day.
However, they do have one really good feature on the roads in Tbilisi. At most lights, there is a "countdown" so you know exactly how long you have until the light changes color. If you are smart, you can calculate how long you have to put on your make up, text a friend, or read the newspaper while you wait for the light to change. When the light is red, it counts down from 60 and then when the light turns yellow, it counts down from 3 (although most cars begin to drive when the light turns yellow). When the light is green it also has a countdown.
No more second guessing if you should speed up, slow down, or slam on your know exactly how long you have until the light changes color! Brilliant.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Finding Family in a Far Away Land